It is important to know how to separate our rubbish properly or the task of recycling may become very complex and fail to provide results. For this reason, you need to be responsible and understand which products you can throw away in each of the bins and avoid mixing them. We will help you to do this and to understand some important issues about this matter, such as what happens to everything that is not recycled (which is a great deal) and how this makes us, and the earth, unwell.
This free course requires the leasing of a venue. A commitment to attend is necessary, otherwise the expense would not be worthwhile. Please note that, when you enrol, we understand that you are confirming your attendance. If you are not sure whether you will come, do not enrol. If, in the end, you are unable to attend, please cancel your enrolment as soon as possible so that we can give people on the waiting list the chance to come, since places are limited.