Caring for life and the planet

Caring for Health and Nutrition

Our body is our most intimate home. It enables us to develop ourselves and our lives in the widest sense and to enjoy our day-to-day existence. Without health, our life is impoverished and it is very difficult for us to make headway.

Understanding health as holistic, integrating all the dimensions of the human being and our mutually influential interrelationship with the earth.

Pilar Novoa

Healthy Eating

Food is the cornerstone of our health. Some people even say that we are what we eat. I have never fully understood this because I believe that, at heart, we are not just what we eat but much more besides. The founder made a profound change to the way she ate after commencing a programme of self-development, beginning with psychotherapy, and continuing by focusing on her inner being, first through mindfulness and then with Tao, although she has also practised some zen and vipassana.

Learning to eat healthily

Eating ecological foods and reducing the consumption of animal products is essential for a healthy diet. The World Health Organization establishes that nutrition should be balanced, rich in vegetables, fruit and wholegrain cereals and low in proteins, especially those of animal origin, and red meat in particular.

We offer the following to improve nutrition:

Macrobiotics is a type of nutrition seen from a very wide perspective, which is the energetic perspective. It avoids extremes, such as alcohol, sugar, red meat and all kinds of processed foods.
We all know about the lawsuits filed against Monsanto-Bayer for the use of insecticides in agriculture, which cause serious diseases such as cancer. It is becoming increasingly necessary to eat organic produce.
When you feel that your health is not good for some reason, the first thing you should do is go to an allopathic doctor. He or she is sure to give you a good first diagnosis in most cases.

Healthy activities

To care for your health we offer, among the different things already mentioned in other sections, two wonderful activities, one at an individual level and the other for groups.

Macrobiotics is a type of nutrition seen from a very wide perspective, which is the energetic perspective. It avoids extremes, such as alcohol, sugar, red meat and all kinds of processed foods.
We all know about the lawsuits filed against Monsanto-Bayer for the use of insecticides in agriculture, which cause serious diseases such as cancer. It is becoming increasingly necessary to eat organic produce.
When you feel that your health is not good for some reason, the first thing you should do is go to an allopathic doctor. He or she is sure to give you a good first diagnosis in most cases.

You are SoySol

If you have lost your faith in human beings or even in yourself, we would like to tell you that we believe in you. Our dream is possible.