Caring for life and the planet

About us

The founder:
Pilar Novoa

Pilar Novoa has worked as an executive in several European countries and is fluent in 5 languages. Thanks to her entrepreneurial capacity and managerial skills, she has achieved spectacular results in the immigrant remittances sector. She has performed her work while placing the emphasis on providing a service to others and leaving aside the typical power struggles. With her honesty she has charmed the authorities of several European countries and has been appointed to executive positions in finance companies working with Central Banks throughout Europe, something which, in itself, is a guarantee because appointment to such posts requires not only experience and extensive theoretical and practical knowledge, but also honourability that can be proven through various channels.

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combining their work with humanitarian work

Pilar Novoa suffered a setback after the death of her boss and friend, the head of the Spanish multinational company for which she worked, and she decided to take time out to define her destiny. After years of meditating daily and juggling her career with humanitarian work, as a volunteer strongly committed to helping others, and studying different aspects of humanist and transpersonal psychology, oriental medicine and macrobiotics, mindfulness, Tao, and many other subjects, Pilar Novoa decided to set up her own project.

The founder has drunk from different spiritual teachers. The first one she met was Ana Maria Schlüter, a Zen teacher. She then to the tao master Juan Li. And finally the vipassana teacher Dhiravamsa. She has practiced these teachings, and above all she has been able to delve into the Tao. She currently shares her experience with others, while she continues to advance on a path that is unique, as each ray of sunshine is unique. She wants everyone to follow her path, whichever one she has come to walk on earth.

providing insight into many spiritual aspects

With the Soysol Foundation we not only want to help people to be happier and to tell everybody that we believe in them and in their true potential to represent the perfection of their innermost and true being, which nests in their heart, but we also want to sow the seeds to improve the health of the planet.

Pilar Novoa

Aims of the Foundation

Caring for life and the planet

The aims of the Soysol Foundation are very extensive because our idea is to progress step by step until we attain them all. We focus above all on health, of the planet and of people. We approach the health of the planet through various channels, encouraging the production of clean energy, providing courses that favour sustainable development, and helping companies to increase their social commitment.
As for people, we help them to discover their true potential, strengthening their search for self-development in three areas:
– First, we have healthy, balanced and ecological nutrition.

– In second place, we offer therapy, based on humanist and transpersonal psychology.

– And finally, meditation, offering in the first instance mindfulness or full attention to learn to relax, breathe and be here and now, for a second stage to delve into more advanced techniques where we come into contact with the energies and the deep mind.

Our Principles



Something that characterises this NGO is that we are willing to lose rather than betray ourselves. We know it is not easy, but the founder has accepted many losses of different types during her life, to remain true and loyal to herself with the aim of living her life with love. Honesty has helped her to say no many times, to confess to not knowing something just as often, to renounce advantages and favours in order to do good, something in which she believes over and above any selfish interest. Without honesty, we cannot give up something that we are attached to, when letting go and knowing how to digest losses is a fundamental part of the path. Without this, it is impossible to progress and reach summits of wisdom, truth and freedom. Freedom is an anchor that forms the basis of the founder’s life, without it this project would never have come into being. Thus, honesty paves the way with truth and courage to face life’s sorrows, which are sometimes many, and to live life with love, despite the difficulties it places in our path.



The truth that makes us free is something that cannot be calculated, it is something that is impossible to reach unless we trust in the overriding forces that continue to be a great mystery, and which people refer to in different ways: God, Universe, Source, Primal Energy, and many more depending on the divinity expressed in each culture. Such is the force in which the founder trusts and, thanks to this, she has been able to achieve unimaginable things and accept situations of great difficulty that appeared to be unsurmountable. Only in this way can trust be forged, because trusting when everything is going well is very easy. It is far harder to trust when you see that everything around you is falling apart, that perhaps people let you down, you lose your job, you lack support, you are alone, but the force sustains you thanks to the trust you place in it. It is a trust that goes beyond what can be expressed with words and reasons. It is falling into the void and feeling that something will catch you before you strike the ground at the bottom of the precipice. It is letting go of that small branch that stops us from falling, to accept that the fall will be broken by the love of that force. This trust in the supreme has also led the founder to trust in people. In you, who are reading this and perhaps do not consider yourself to be great or important, and yet, without suspecting it, you have inside you the best thing that exists, because we all bear within us the example of the perfection of the Being and our best manifestation on earth. This trust in you and in God leads the founder to believe in this project which, together, we can make work. Thank you for your trust and your love.



We know that this value is not fashionable, but the founder has never had an elevated self-image; she believes that we can always be better. She has never believed that her values and personal qualities would one day shine, and this is how she has shone many times without setting out to do so, and other times intentionally, but at the same time relinquishing the adulation that this could generate in relationships. The founder firmly believes that arrogance, pride and haughtiness are worthless. That it is not necessary to be aggressive to sell something, or to demonstrate something publicly and boastfully, or to be obsessed by an image that falls apart when you scratch the surface and look deeper. Simply telling the truth and accepting humbly what we do not understand is the best way, not only to avoid stress and improve our relationships with other people, but the best way to live life serenely and joyfully and to carry on, regardless of all that may happen. Everything in this life comes to an end. There is no triumph that lasts forever and accepting failures humbly has helped the founder to humanise her being, to understand many injustices and to wish to do good to others. Believing ourselves to be gifted or gods, when in the universe we are merely small ants and not even that, helps the founder to see that, in reality, we are at the mercy of much greater forces that help us to be better if we wish to accept the challenge.



Goodness is another pillar that supports the founder. Not that she considers herself to be good, but many people tell her that she is and recognise her as such as they come to know her. The reality is that goodness is another quality that is not in fashion, although there are books that speak of it, and which explain that it is the best route, even to do business. Without having read those books, the founder has acted during her professional career by seeking the common good and reaching for the most part “win-win” agreements in which everybody gains, and that is how she wants the Soysol Foundation to work. For goodness to be an essential and differentiating pillar of all who make up this NGO, which will seek what is good for people and for the planet. Goodness is an extremely important quality because, although some people think that being good is synonymous with being stupid, the truth is that practising goodness gives great satisfaction and wellbeing, it gives an aura of serenity and calm that not everyone is aware of, even the founder, because she does not quite believe it, but the truth is that it is an attribute that conquers hearts and which leads us to feel at peace with ourselves and it is something we invite you to practise.


You are SoySol

If you have lost your faith in human beings or even in yourself, we would like to tell you that we believe in you. Our dream is possible.